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The Patriot-News | Newspaper Production

As a Page Producer for Central Pennsylvania's Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper, "The Patriot-News," I provided expertise in copywriting, editing, proofreading, and graphic design.

I was fortunate to have this job during the 2016 election season—an especially exciting time in a swing state like Pennsylvania. This job helped me master AP style, learn the pen tool in PhotoShop, and appreciate the true meaning of balanced reporting. One of my favorite memories is staying in a hotel for the weekend of a huge snow storm so that we could be sure the Sunday paper got out on time.

Through my enthusiastic dedication, I managed to be promoted from part-time to full-time before the entire department was outsourced to New Jersey. I also took over as point-person of the events & culture section, "Go!" when the previous head retired. The whole gig only lasted about six months!

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