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Bose Professional | Case Study | Zelva Rooftop | Colombia

As a Digital Media Strategist at MarketScale, I played an essential role in the Zelva Rooftop case study for Bose Professional by providing a blend of branding expertise, versatile project management, and astute proofreading to highlight a recent success story.

Maintaining Accurate Brand Guidelines

My eagerness to learn Bose Professional's strict brand guidelines has positioned me as the go-to Project Manager for all of their written case studies handled by MarketScale since late 2023. Throughout the approval process for various projects, I've updated the brand document on file to incorporate universal changes that arise. This attention to detail preventing repeat corrections saves time and client frustration on future projects.

Streamlining Approval Processes

While MarketScale uses Asana's project management software, I helped our team adopt the client's existing Monday setup for approvals. This extra effort streamlined reviews for the client, reducing time between interactions. I made sure to retain visibility in Asana for our team by sharing updates on both platforms.

Leveraging a Multimedia Marketing Strategy

We deliver social media graphics with each written case study, a meticulous approach that ensures our content aligns seamlessly with Bose Professional's brand identity and resonates effectively across various platforms.

While my primary focus is on the strategic aspects of the project, it's worth noting that some initiatives are complemented by on-site video productions, enriching the overall brand narrative.

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